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Eagle 20 EW Fungicide



Eagle 20EW specialty fungicide provides excellent control of dollar spot and brown patch and is labeled for use on major turf varieties, landscape ornamentals, and backyard fruit trees and vines. Liquid formulation for easy mixing Systemic properties For use on golf course fairways, roughs, tees and greens, commercial and residential stone fruit trees, apple trees and grapes, and other landscape ornamentals For use on ornamentals such as chrysanthemums, daylilies, poinsettias and roses in nurseries, landscapes and greenhouses Best control of labeled diseases is achieved when Eagle 20EW is applied on a seven- to 10-day application schedule Sync Fungicide Activator is strongly recommended to use when spraying Eagle 20EW Fungicide. Fungus controlled (but not limited to) includes: Brown patch Anthracnose Brown Patch Dollar Spot Leaf spot Necrotic ring spot Powdery mildew Read Thread Rusts Septoria leaf spot Spring dead spot Zonate Leaf Spot Zoysia large patch and many others

Hydro City

Eagle 20 EW Fungicide


Eagle 20EW specialty fungicide provides excellent control of dollar spot and brown patch and is labeled for use on major turf varieties, landscape ornamentals, and backyard fruit trees and vines. Liquid formulation for easy mixing Systemic properties For use on golf course fairways, roughs, tees and greens, commercial and residential stone fruit trees, apple trees and grapes, and other landscape ornamentals For use on ornamentals such as chrysanthemums, daylilies, poinsettias and roses in nurseries, landscapes and greenhouses Best control of labeled diseases is achieved when Eagle 20EW is applied on a seven- to 10-day application schedule Sync Fungicide Activator is strongly recommended to use when spraying Eagle 20EW Fungicide. Fungus controlled (but not limited to) includes: Brown patch Anthracnose Brown Patch Dollar Spot Leaf spot Necrotic ring spot Powdery mildew Read Thread Rusts Septoria leaf spot Spring dead spot Zonate Leaf Spot Zoysia large patch and many others


  • 1 Pint
  • 1 Gal
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